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The JPB-Retorika EXCEL Teacher-Training program has won a three-year $150,000 grant initiated by Rotary 2 in San Francisco, California. This grant will provide $50,000 per year for three years to underwrite the EXCEL costs of bringing together Israeli Arab and Jewish High School teachers for cross-cultural training and inter-school pairing. Eventually, Arabic-speaking and Hebrew-speaking will organize joint learning and sports days for teens that promote bi-communal understanding. Led by Rotary 2, the grant also involves the contributions of many other Rotary Clubs including Rotary Nazareth. During the recent pilgrimage, Dr. Danna Kurtin and Fr. Nicholas met with local Rotary leaders to confirm supervision of the project and funds.

Amer Deeb (left) and Nader Elias (right) of Rotary Nazareth meet with Dr. Danna Kurtin and Fr. Nicholas in Nazareth


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