JPB wins $15,000 Episcopal Church in Connecticut Grant

In late January, The Episcopal Church in Connecticut (ECCT) awarded Jerusalem Peacebuilders a $15,000 Regional Entrepreneurial Grant to support Interfaith Service Day 2023 in New Haven (CT) on Sunday, August 6. Interfaith Service Day leverages the presence of twenty Israeli and Palestinian teens participating in Jerusalem Peacebuilders programs to gather individuals and communities of different faiths from across Greater New Haven and Connecticut in order to advance 1) community responses to local human needs, 2) interfaith relationships on community and personal levels, and 3) spiritual formation in congregations, especially among youth and young adults.

The ECCT grant consists of two parts: $10,000 is an outright grant for Interfaith Service Day operational costs. $5,000 is a matching gift empowering JPB to attract local support and an additional $10,000. Canon Timothy Hodapp, Chair of the Regional Entrepreneurial Grant Committee wrote, “We are excited by last summer’s celebration with the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish youth and faith communities across New Haven and its greater environs and is eager to support the work this year… Please understand that there is an immense amount of excitement for the work of JPB…”
JPB is grateful to ECCT for its generous support. This year will be the third Interfaith Service Day on the New Haven Green. For more information about Interfaith Service Day, go to