JPB-RETORIKA EXCEL INSTITUTE STRIKES GOLD: Teacher training program in UK well received
Between July 21-29, in partnership with Retorika for Multiculturalism, the University of Cambridge, and the Oranim Academic College of Education, JPB operated the second-ever EXCEL Institute for 22 outstanding Israeli Jewish and Arab teachers. The program featured a mix of workshops on peacebuilding, English language curriculum design, dialogue, touring, and cross-cultural exchange. Accredited by the Israeli Ministry of Education, participants returned to Israel and are now engaging in follow-up programming, assignments, and meetings through the use of the Project ECHO Telementoring program. Just last week, the US Embassy in Tel Aviv hosted our group for their summer debrief meeting.
Fr. Nicholas with EXCEL educator, Dr. Norbert Schmitt, and Retorika Director, Elias Farah
Dr. Paula Green leads a group dialogue
Presenting research findings to the group in Tel Aviv