JPB TEENS GIVE BACK IN HOUSTON: Interfaith Youth Houston program continues to grow
On March 31, JPB convened 30 Jewish, Christian, and Muslim teens and adults from across Houston to give their time and talents volunteering at the local nonprofit organization, Houston Food Bank. The Houston Food Bank leads the fight against hunger in Houston by distributing food donations to needy families that would otherwise go to waste. As America's largest food bank, the Food Bank distributes 122 million nutritious meals through its network of 1,500 community partners in southeast Texas, feeding 800,000 individuals each year.
All smiles after a great day of service
JPB teens spent the morning sorting food donations and creating gift-packages for children. After a light-lunch, the teens reflected on the experience and why it is important to volunteer and care for the needy of our world. Many participants committed to bringing their families back to volunteer and described having an increased sense of gratitude. Our final event of the spring will be a Ramadan Iftar event at Ilm Academy and the El Farouq Mosque. We hope some of you can join us!