Feb 16, 2018
JPB AWARDED UTO 2018 YOUNG ADULT GRANT: Funds will support new in-school programs in the Galilee
In January, the United Thank Offering of the Episcopal Church awarded JPB's Regional Director, Jack Karn, a 2018 Young Adult Grant of...
Feb 8, 2018
NEW SUMMER INSTITUTE DIRECTOR WELCOMED: Sarah Benazera brings extensive experience to summer and in-
JPB is pleased to welcome Sarah Perle Benazera to the staff team. As the Summer Institute Director for the Interfaith Citizenship program...
Feb 1, 2018
MULTIPLE IN-SCHOOL PROGRAMS OPEN IN GALILEE: Nazareth and Haifa schools welcome new opportunities
In January, JPB Regional Director, Jack Karn, arrived to Nazareth in the Holy Land. For the next four months, Karn will be leading...